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"Belajar sabar itu bukan menahan emosi karena tindakan orang lain -
terhadap kita,tapi tindakan kita sendiri yang kadang melukai orang lain"
Saturday, April 11, 2009; 9:31 PM
Yapp ! Dia baru saja mengatakan hal itu di salah satu infotaiment. Tapi kali ini, perform pertama di bulan Juni / Juli mendatang juga adalah salah satu perform terakhirnya dengan cai, salah satu dancer sekaligus sahabat terbaiknya. Dia mulai mengibarkan sayapnya di panggung - panggung Asia dan negara Korea adalah negara openingnya. Congrats buat Agnes Monica ^ ^
Sumpah gela bener gw hari nhe !!! Tepatna gw dan aina. =.=;;
Entah napa hari nhe, gw dan aina ber YUNJAE ria Bukan ! Bukan karena gw demen Yunho dan aina demen Jaejoong terus saling share gitu, Tapi YUNJAE ON US !! SARAP ! Jadi tadi sepulang pusko gitu, aina jatoh kesandung kursi, jatuh ke samping. Dan gobloknya gw tangkep ala Yunho nangkep Jae yg jatoh pas di Dangerous Love Mana pake acara tatap - tatapan dulu. Sumpah gw pengen muntah kalo inget tadi =.=;;
Terusan kan sholat di masjid deket pusko, tunggu - tungguan Eugh ... Uda ilfil abis gw cerita ampe sini =.=;;
Gw akhirna makan kan tuh .. Ntah napa gw hari nhe ngegandeng aina mulu Layakna Yunho yang ngegandeng Jae kemana - mana ANJRIT !! Baru sadar gw =.=;; Makin ilfil =.=;;
Terusan makan di depan pusko Pesen makanan. SAMAAN Dan tumben gw manut aja sama aina hari nhe Sumpah ntah setan apa yang merasuki kami =.=
Makan disitu, ada sonsengnim .. Sapa aja yak tadi ? Jonghun sonsengnim, Areum sonsengnim, Jiyon sonsengnim, dan Na-sonsengnim
Nha .. Gw tadi kalo ga sadar aja .. NYARIS SUAP2AN AMA AINA !! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAKK !!!
Mana dikata, "Kaga suami, Kaga istri, the next YUNJAE lu !!"
After you've filled this out, tag 10 people and have them do the same
1. Last beverage → diem natapin lappie 2. Last phone call → nyokap 3. Last text message→ aulia yg lupa jemput gw, alhasil gw ga masuk 4. Last song you listened to → real - shinee 5. Last time you cried→ tadi malem. kangen nyokap
SIX HAVE YOU EVER: 1. Dated someone twice → ga, makasi 2. Been cheated on? → ok taeckyeon & kim keybum, maafkan istrimu onyuu 3. Kissed someone & regretted it? → hha ! *mules* 4. Lost someone special?→ gaaaaaaaaaaa !!! 5. Been depressed?→ OF COURSE!!! 6. Been drunk and threw up? → gw uda tobat ! hahahaha ~
LIST FOUR FAVORITE COLORS: 1. blue 2. purple 3. black 4. yellow
HAVE YOU: 1. Made new friends → yepp ! thanks for being my friend, oppa ~ 2. Fallen out of love → hemmmm 3. Laughed until you cried → pastinya ! 4. Met someone who changed you →yuhuu ~ 5. Found out who your true friends were → banyak ^ ^ 6. Found out someone was talking about you →pernah ~ moga diampuni dosana ^ ^V 7. Kissed anyone on your friend list → ga deeeh ~ 8. How many people on your friend list do you know in real life → maleus ngitungna 9. How many kids do you want to have → 2 ajj ^ ^ cowo & cewe 10. Do you have any pets → ada ~ 11. Do you want to change your name→ GA. i lav my name CORRY OCTRISHYA DHINA FRIDHEA 12. What did you do for your last birthday → merenung and koreksi diri 13. What time did you wake up today → jam 7 ~ 14. What were you doing at midnight last night? → dengerin mp3 shinee 15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → cepet2 luluss 16. Last time you saw your father→ 3 years ago ... or 5 ? 17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → *think* 18. What are you listening to right now → Real - SHINee 19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Tom-at ? hahaha ! 23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → ga ada 24. Most visited web page → bestiz + popcorn2u
1. What's your name → Dhea. Corry Octrishya Dhina FriDHEA 2. Nicknames → Dhea, Corry, Dhesut, Dhejin, Jinhee, Onhee 3. Relationship Status → married with bang jinki hulabulabuuuw babymommaeku b^ ^d 4. Zodiac sign → libra 5. Male or female or transgendered → female yg aseli demen male 6. Elementary → SD Kranji 01 7. Middle School → SMPN 2 Purwokerto yg dengan susah payah kami bangun jadi standat SBI =.=;; 8. High school → SMAN 5 Purwokerto yg selalu .... *sigh* 10. Hair color →brown ~ 11. Long or short → sebahu ^ ^V 16. Height → 166-an 17. Do you have a crush on someone? → LEE JINKI dan ...*cries* 18. What do you like about yourself → i lav my self ??? 19. Piercings → ga 20. Tattoos → ga, uda gw apus ^ ^ 21. Righty or lefty → righty
FIRSTS : 22. First surgery → kelas 3 esdhe, gw takut mampus ma jarum suntik 23. First piercing → bayi 24. First best friends → Anggira 26. First sport you joined → renang 27. First pet → ular. gw lupa jenis ularna apa, secara gw miara umur 3 taun ~ 28. First vacation → Borobudur, rumah gw dulu pan jogja 29. First concert → haa ? 30. First crush → ga usa sebut akh ~ 49. Eating → mi instan 50. Drinking → aer putih dari kulkas 52. I'm about to → ngelayanin kegiatan bang jinki. gw pan istrina *sarap* 53. Listening to → suara bang jinki 55. Waiting for → lulusan pusko n lulus sekolah dengan nilai tinggi ! hwaiting ~
YOUR FUTURE : 58. Want kids? → yuppi 59. Want to get married? → he'eh 60. Careers in mind? → singer ? artist ? script writer ?
WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX? 68. Lips or eyes → gw ga bisa milih !!! jinki .. *nosebleeding* 69. Hugs or kisses → dua2na ajj xDDD 70. Shorter or taller → taller lebih bae 71. Older or Younger → terserah *ketauan demen bronis* 72. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic 73. Nice stomach or nice arms → all !! 74. Sensitive or loud → hmm ? whatev 77. Trouble maker or hesitant → whatev ~
HAVE YOU EVER : 78. Kissed a stranger → ga 79. Drank hard liquor → ga 80. Lost glasses/contacts → pernah TToTT 81. Sex on first date → big NO 82. Broken someone's heart → udah =.=;; 83. Had your own heart broken → OF COURSE! 85. Been arrested → in JinKi's heart ! HAHAHAHAHHAH !! 86. Turned someone down → pernah banget 87. Cried when someone died → pernah banget =.= 88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → maksudna dia sahabatku ato apa nhe ?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 89. Yourself → ga selalu. tapi YA ! 90. Miracles → iyapp 91. Love at first sight → iyapp 92. Heaven → he'eh 93. Santa Clause → ga 95. Kiss on the first date? →percaya sii tapi ga bakal gw lakuin laah ~ *ngakak* 96. Angels → jelas
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → ho'oh 98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → ada. ma taeckyeon. huhuhu ! mian jinki ~ =.=;; 99. Had a pregnancy scare? → tidak tahu 100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → soalna gga seratus deh perasaan ~ check deh ! xDD
Kemaren pas gw berangkat ke pusko, yahh biasa... Ada masalah sebentar ama orang rumah, terusan berangkat. Gw berangkat ke rumah Aina dulu baru ke pusko.
Yah karena masih sepi, gw sama Aina akhirna merhatiin poto2 kemah kemaren yang udah dipasang di kelas. Sumpah potonyaa doonk =.=;; Ada poto gw yg lg megangin galon kosong dengan ekspresi KUMAKAN KAU GALON Swt banged poto2 gw disitu akh =.=;;
Awalnya gw & Aina kira ntu hari Jum'at kemaren libur Setelah semes sana sini, Areum sonsengnim datang. Alhamdulillah ~ Kirain teh libur. Bisa gila gw kalo libur ~
Nahh ... Di pusko KEMBALI kedatangan guru baru ! Walo yahh cuman tiga ari sih .. Namanya LEE JONGHUN .. Orangnya ...
bermuka rada jutek, SAMA SEKALI GA BISA BAHASA INDONESIA ! Ajib banged kemaren gw mikir nhe orang ngomong apaan sih ~ Sumpret ! Bahasa koreana doooooonk .. Yang gw ngarti dari kata2 dia cuman seiprit ~ =.=;;
Dan kemarin,, Omiga ! Sumpah ga pengen keulang lagi TToTT Gara2 salah satu temen gw yang ngobrol terus dalem kelas, jo-sonsengnim jadi marah. Eugh.... Gw mah diem mengkeret *baca : ketakutan* liat jo-sonsengnim yang biasana bae, penuh kegilaan, dan tawa selalu ada di wajah *ajib abis bahasana*
Yah secara gitu, orang yang biasa baek terus di depan kita marah gitu .. OH MY ! Sumpah kemaren sapa yg salah, gw yg ngoceh joisong hamnida mulu .. Ahahahaha ! abisan serem euy =.=;;
Terusan kemaren, entah terkena badai apa. Areum sonsengnim jadi lebih memperhatikan gw dan Aina. Apakah kami badut ? Dia kemaren ntu ketawa mulu ngeliat tingkah gw ama Aina =.=;;
Kalo Jiyon sonsengnim, GURU FAVE GW !! Ahahahaha ! Walo bahasa Indonesiana belom lancar, yah she's speak VERYYY WELL in english ! Jadi yah ngobrol dengan tingkat keminiman bahasa Inggris gw :D
Tapi ntah napa, gw merasa ada yang berubah pada Na-sonsengnim Dia lebih normal. Tapi gw merasa kehilangan dia. Kemana sonsengnim tercintaku iniiii ?
then,, hahahahaha ! gw kemaren kan semesan ama cynthya ~
Omigod ! Dia mengapa jadi menyukai suamiku *digeplak*
Yah akhirna setelah semes geje yang menghabiskan pulsa gw, kami malah jadi couple ! 2S ! See Na & Sung Hee ~ Hebat bukan ? Gw akhirna rela BERBAGI SUAMI *mojok*
Kami sii lagi janjian mu pake ava kembaran .. Lagipula gw lagi dapet ide baru buat ava forum :D
Jadi OKE lhaa ~ ntar siangan gw nyoba bikin ! xDDD
Wish me luck ajj deeh ! Doain icon buatan gw is OKEEEH !
Dulu udah gw kasih picu kan yah ? Yang sparkling concert ~ Nah ... Kali ini gw bawa news seiprit soal konser itu ..
~ 11 April ~ Big Bang, FT Island, SG Wannabe, Shin Hye Sung
~ 12 April ~ DBSK, SHINee, Lee Min Woo, Lee Jee Hoon
Yang buat gw tercengan itu DBSK bakal VS sama BIG BANG ! YEAAA !!!! Akhirnya gw melihat lagi 2 boyband terbesar di korsel bertanding ! Yattaa !! Kalo SHINee vs FT Island, mungkin nhe pertama kali untuk member FTI itu yapp ^ ^ Good luck all ^ ^9
Tanggal: 26 September 2009 Tempat: Sangnam Stadium
Artis yang akan tampil / ikut serta adalah: TVXQ , Big Bang, Wonder Girls, SNSD, Lee Hyori, Super Junior, SS501, Jewelry, SHINee, 2PM , SS501, Brown Eyed Girls, Davichi, Kara, Son Dam Bi,Wheesung, Epikhigh, Taegoon, Baek Ji Young, Kim Jong Kook
Total band / artis yang akan ikut serta adalah 20.
Pengumuman official lebih lanjut akan segera diberitahu.
credit: ind trans by babymommae&yeppeungirl
bi to the ei to the en to the eij to the kei to the i part2
Eugh.... Gw bener - bener bete abis sama satu orang ! Dasar muka dua ... Udah pernah dapet karma belom sii !? Belom yak !? Moga2 dapet karma lo !! Sumpah gw kesel banget2 ngeeeeeeeeeettt ma dia. Eugh ! Gw rasa dia bukan cuma muka dua =.=;;
Belom pernah gw sebenci nhe sama orang. Sumpah benci abis. SLAP ! I think you are careless babe ~ Lo sok baek gitu malah jadi bikin ilfeel gw. Sumpah ! Gw belom pernah semarah ini sama orang. Bete banget =.=;;
As I known, dia emang benar - benar lebay dan yah REALLY USELESS ! Dari awal kenalan sok baek banget. Eugh ~ Nyesel gw sempet beramah tamah. Hahahaha ! Mood gw lgsg up *baca : marah*
Dia suka banget ngeritik orang, tapi sadarkah ia ? Gw rasa ga ! Kenapa ? Karena terlalu banyak orang yang termakan mulut sok manisnya itu ! Yah sebut aja Q. Gw sama beberapa temen gw sii udah ilfeel ama dia dari awal. Yang dulu gw sempet tenangin temen2 gw supaya ga bertindak anarkis ato berlebihan cuma buat DIA ! Sekarang baru gw nyesel pernah ngebelain dia ! Lo mah ga beda jauh sama seseorang yang ada di kelas gw ! Manusia yang emang MANIS abis !
Sampe sekarang, baru dua orang yang buat gw ilfeel mati - matian ! Satu, anak di kelas gw. Dan yg kedua itu ELO !
Bisakah kau menilai dirimu dulu ha ? Jangan merasa jadi orang terbaek sedunia .. Perlukah kau menjadi se MUNAFIK itu buat disukai orang laen ? Ckckckckck ~ Heran ikh ..
OK !! Gw post malem2. Di tengah kelaparan, kepanasan, dan nahan boker tidur. Bukan nahan tidur sih, emang dasar amnesia insomnia gue kumat aja =.= zzzzzz
Dari tadi sore gue nongkrongin ancer ~ YMan dengan dua makhluk Tuhan paling rusak !! ga waras ~ Ampuni mereka Ya Alloh ~ *disambit wine+tomat*
Biasa ~ Kami hanya bergeje - geje ria .. Gue nyanyi2 di konferensi YM .. Dan dengan autisnya gue ketagihan xDDDD
Ampuni ciptaanmu ini ya Alloooh xDDD
Ntah dosa apa gue,, Ampe sepuluh menit yang lalu .. GUA GA DIKASIH MAKAN ! GA DIEMPANIN ! zzzzzzz
Laper, panas, pegel ... Akhirna YMan =.=;;
Dan SEPULUH MENIT LALU SODARA2 !! Gua buka buffet .. Nemu bungkusan warna coklat di plastikin Gue buka .. Sumpah ~ Kaya anak sapi kaga disusuin emaknya,, mata gue berasa berbinar - binar liat isi bungkusan
Gua angkat tu plastik dan ada tulisan BUAT DHEA Gue diem. Cengo abis liat ada tulisan itu.
Gua samber tu bungkusan. Lari ke kulkas. dan LAGI LAGI ! Ada bungkusan bertuliskan BUAT DHEA
Gue buka dan kembali terdiam. Cengo abis gua. Roti stroberi. WHAAAW !
Gua amankan semua makanan berlabel BUAT DHEA ke deket ancer Gua kebelakang nyari nasi doong .. Gua buka mejikjer ... JELEGEEER ! KAGA ADA NASI !?
HAUKK ! Alhasil .. Tahukah kau kawan ...
roti sroberi + sate ayam dg bumbunya = ENAK sekali kawaaan =.=
eughh ~ pengen muntah gw .. huhuhuhu !
Boker2 gw kaeana bakal makin parah setelah makan ini =.=;; Huhuhuhu ~ Emaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqq !!!
kepalamu buntung karena ku gantung bersama belatung
Euhh ... Hari ini gue bener2 unmood ~ Yapp ! Mood gue ilang abis - abisan hari ini =.=;;
Anjrit ~ Gue tadi begitu masuk sekolah. Sante aja gitu masuk kelas, ngebanting tas di atas meja, kabur ke kantin buat makan. Berhubung masih pagi, tahap kerakusan gue masih STANDAR !
Begitu masuk kelas, jachan ! Ada mas - mas dari neutron berdiri depan kelas. Gue kira cuma mau promosi neutron gitu, kaga taunya ..... *sigh*
Beuhh ! Gue yang mang dasar kaga pernah nyentuh buku kalo kaga di sekolah,, Ya mana bisa ngerjaiiiiin !! =.=;;
Gue diem begitu LJK di tangan gue *LJK ? LEE JINKI ? Ahahahaha ! Suami gue tu mahh lagi kerja. Mana mungkin dia di sekolah ngebantuin gue ? =.=;;
Gue ngitem2in tu bunder2 sarap ~ Soal dibagi. Gua baca. Ok lembar pertama .. Gue udah mule kesetanan. Ga bisa semua !! Kampret ! Lembar kedua. Sumpah gua ngakak tadi =.=;;
Matematika = NOL ! Gua ga bisaaa ~
Materi kedua, akuntansi, ekonomi, geografi, sejarah ...
Oke laah ~ Gua ini bisa SEDIKIT =.=;; Bener - bener sedikit. Delapan soal doang kaeana =.=;;
Ok kaco ! Yayayaya ~ Gua paham =.=
Terus lembar selanjutnya,, BAHASA INGGRIS !
JELEGER ! Gua cengo natap soalna. Nengok kanan kiri. Beuh !! Temen - temen gue lancar gila ngerjainnya ! Anjrit !! Jangan - jangan mereka udah tau kalo hari nhe ada TO ! =.=;;
Gue natap soal. Diem. Gue panggil nama Jinki 14 kali. Ok. Dapet ilham barang dua soal doang =.=;;
Terusan gue panggilin nama Yunho 3 kali,, gga ngaruh =.=;;
Panggil nama Taeckyeon 10 kali,, dapet satu soaaal ~
Yahh ~ Dengan ilmu ngarang, gua dapet 25 soal kaeana tadi. Dan 5 menit setelah itu,, kudu dikumpulin =.=;;
Alhasil gue colek kanan kiri, minta contekan ~
Dan setelah dikumpulin,, pembahasan .... Hasil di bagiin ~
"Ini ada yang ga kebaca yah namanya. Jadi mungkin yah harus TO ulang. Hahahaha !,"
MATI !! NAMA GUA GA ADA ! Ahahahahaha ~ Entahlah nasib gua dehh =.=;;
kudu TO ulang mana maoo ~ Dihh ~
Sumpah gitu nama gua ga ada, gua narik aulia lari. Makan ke kantin !!
Girls' Generation was invited to the Doosan Bears vs Kia Tigers baseball game at the Jamsil baseball stadium on April 5th to perform. But they didn't just perform, Yuri pitched for the 2nd time, Seo Hyun batted, and Sunny sang the national anthem. YoonA, unfortunately, was unable to make it because she was busy with the filming for her upcoming drama Cinderella Man. I have always liked baseball before, but these girls have given me a whole new reason to love the sport.
Through a fancam, we see the Dong Bang Shin Ki boys at the Gimpo Airport in Korea. At around 00:17, you can see Micky Yoochun angrily grabbing a girl's wrist and taking her camera from her. A male attendant tried to get it back, but Micky held onto it and just left. The other boys left without too much trouble. What another classic example of stupid fangirling. I understand that you'd like pictures of your favorite stars, but there was absolutely no reason to shove the camera in his face. You can't even get a good picture if you're too close, but then again, fangirls aren't exactly known for their intelligence.
Having ended their promotions for their Gee mini-album on Inkigayo on 28th March, Girls' Generation members are now going on with their solo activities like variety (Tae Yeon), drama (YoonA), hosting (Tiffany, Yuri), etc. On 3rd April, a picture was posted by Girls' Generation manager on their official website of the 9 girls holding aloft their 9 K-Chart trophies from their record-breaking 9 wins at KBS2TV Music Bank over the duration of 3 months from January - March 2009.
The manager wrote, "As a commemoration of this promotion, the member of Girls' Generation took this photo." Girls' Generation also gave thanks to their fans, "We are really grateful and thank all our fans who showered us with their great support during our promotions. Especially fans who braved the harsh cold to came and support us at our events. We really thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We will continue to work hard and present the best of our selves to each and every one of you (fans)."
[NEWS] Pemerintah Korea Selatan menyesali tindakan peluncuran roket jarak jauh Korea Utara
Pemerintah Korea Selatan menunjukkan penyesalan mendalam terhadap peluncuran roket jarak jauh Korea Utara, hari Minggu, dan menganggap tindakan tersebut sebagai ancaman serius terhadap perdamaian bukan hanya di Semenanjung Korea, tetapi juga wilayah Asia Timur. Menurut juru bicara Istana Cheongwadae Lee Dong Kwan, pemerintah Korea Selatan dengan segala kesabaran dan hati terbuka berniat untuk membahas cara perwujudan perdamaian antar Korea, meskipun masih ada ancaman Korea Utara. Sementara itu, pemerintah Korea Selatan, hari Minggu, segera menyelenggarakan pertemuan Dewan Keamanan Nasional, NSC, yang dipimpin langsung Presiden Lee Myung-bak, guna membahas langkah berikutnya dalam menghadapi peluncuran roket Korea Utara. Siaran NHK Jepang mengabarkan, bagian pertama peluncuran bagi roket Korea Utara, terjatuh di laut Timur pada pukul 11 lewat 37 menit dan bagian kedua peluncuran itu terjatuh di perairan Pasifik, setelah diluncurkan dari pangkalan Musudanri, Korea Utara.
You are very kind and considerate on the inside but you can be quite cold on the outside. Still you are an extreme nice person and YOU SLEEP a lot. About your look, you are DAMN pretty!! By the way, you have a great singing voice.
You are very smart, love to study, and your very calm and collected. When someone pisses you off you go crazy and become really cranky. If you don't get your way at first you eventually do. Your a good liar and very convincing. You probably have some hidden talent that one day you will stumble upon. You mainly hang out with people of the same nationality.
Yellows are the sunniest, happiest and most childlike personalities in the color-spectrum. "All I want to do is have some fun!" is a song which is a wonderful representation of Yellows and shows their easy going, light and sunny character. These playful people have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to laugh and intimately enjoy life from many different angles. They advocate relaxation, the pure joy of life and live spontaneously. They are always reminding other people to not take life too seriously and to always look on the bright side. Life and work should both be enjoyed.
You are sleeping beauty! You pricked your finger on a spinning wheel but a spell that protected you from dying made you sleep for 100 years or until a prince came along to awake you. You are shy and quiet but you do enjoy a good sleep. You aren't energetic you'd prefer to sit and read a book. You are romantic and very kind but you are very easy to be manipulated.
Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
You are Saint Patricks Day! You love to party and have fun with all of your friends. Whenever anyone asks if you wanna go out and do something crazy you're out the door before they finish and youre the last one out the door to leave. You love acting crazy with friends and are always looking for the next person with a camera to capture the moment. you probably also REALLY like short people, money, and the color green.
Ada beberapa yang bener ~ Dan gw mengambil kesimpulan ...
Looks like Lollipop isn't the only cell phone MV CF out - The highly anticipated Wonder Girls' "Now" MV remake has finally been released in its entirety. Looks like Sunmi took over Lee Jin's part, Sohee took over Sung Yuri's part, Ye Eun took over Ock Ju Yeon's part, and Sunye took over Hyori's part. And since F.i.n.K.L only had four members, another part was created for Yoobin.
The remake is a CF for Ever's X-Slim phone and was directed by Lee Sang Yong, who also directed the original MV.
cr : allkpop + babymommae&yeppeungirl vid cr : Wondefullchanel@YT
[NEWS] Tiffany and Yuri’s Debut as MBC Music Core’s MCs
Girls' Generation's Tiffany and Yuri did their first episode as the main MCs of MBC’s Music Core last night, and the show went smoothly with no major hiccups.
The show started off with a special stage performance of Nassun’s single “Come to Play” featuring both Tiffany and Yuri. Like Cambell’s soup, Yuri looked "Mm, mm, good". I would give my left arm just to have 10 minutes alone with Yuri. I think Tiffany is lovely too, but when she's standing next to Yuri, she looks average at best.
Anyway, Yuri also did a special stage performance with K. Will - Yuri played the piano during K. Will's performance of his new song, "My Tears Are Dropping (Teardrops)". Yuri surprised me, because I didn’t know she could play the piano.. She’s obviously good with her hands, and I could think of one other thing she could use those hands for. I think you know what I’m getting at, and I’m not lying when I say she would have to use both hands. Ok, maybe one hand. Alright, three fingers on one hand but it’s the motion in the ocean that matters and not the size of the boat, right ladies? Please tell me the size of the boat doesn’t matter... I should stop now before I dig myself into a deeper hole.
1. “I Believe Myself” Written by: Daichi, Miyakei Composed by: Daichi, Kawaguchi Susumu Arranged by: youwhich Language: Japanese
2. “TV Radio” Written and composed by: Shusui, Stefan Engblom, Axel Bellinder Arranged by: Chino Yoshihiko Language: English
3. “Moonlight Angel” Written by: Kim Jaeyang, Lee Jaejin (FTIsland) Composed by: Han Seunghoon, Choi Jonghoon (FTIsland) Arranged by: Han Seunghoon Language: Korean
[jonghyun]eonjerado nareulbulleojwo dallyeogalge [onew]ni maeum sarangi naege ol su itge~ love
c; achel!@soompi
bodyguard - shinee *Majinga is a robot from an old cartoon that protects the world
you who stole my heart you who stole my heart don't let go of my hand, save me, SOS i'll go now flying like superman, i'll protect you
when i'm together with you like this i feel like i have the whole world until the end of time, forever, i'll love you
your smile that is like the sunshine all day, my heart thuds it brightens up my dreams on dark nights
when you're suffering and are tired the one person that'll protect you
i'm your bodyguard i'll protect you i love you we, who are cuter than anyone else illumination, the moment we fall in you're perfect to me
call me anytime, i'll run to you so that your heart, your love can come to me
don't forget, i'm your bodyguard wherever don't worry. now i'm your Majinga* when you're going through hard times, i'll hold you, leave everything to me now, trust me with the main character of a fairytale, i'll protect you with the character of a cartoon, i'll become your strength forever, i'll protect you, i'll be by your side i'll kneel down in front of the gods and promise
when you're suffering and are tired the one person that'll protect you
i'm your bodyguard i'll protect you i love you we, who are cuter than anyone else illumination, the moment we fall in you're perfect to me
call me anytime, i'll run to you so that your heart, your love can come to me i'll walk in front of you, confidently kissing you slightly when you close your eyes i love you
i'm your bodyguard i'll protect you i love you we, who are cuter than anyone else illumination, the moment we fall in you're perfect to me
call me anytime, i'll run to you so that your heart, your love can come to me
i'm your bodyguard i'll protect you i love you we, who are cuter than anyone else illumination, the moment we fall in you're perfect to me
call me anytime, i'll run to you so that your heart, your love can come to me love~
I am Lee Sunghee ; Sweet 17th this year.
Waiting for Allah SWT- Presents to me on 0910!
Educated in School
Gw ? Manusia bermata dua; berhidung satu;
berlobang pastinya idung gw ini xDD
Gua pecinta korea ! FREAK tepatnya :D
Gua itu anak yg tingkat KECERDASANNYA kadang dibawah rata2
Tingkat kepolosan DIATAS kebohongan [?????]
Tingkat KERAKUSAN diatas standar
Tingkat KEGILAAN sangat waras !!!
I love blue COLOR ! green DAN yellow too ~
Gw cinta stroberi, duren, dan maniak sama MIE INSTAN !! HAHAHAHA ~
Gw BUKAN bininya ONEW ! TAPI !
I'm JinKi OnLiu's wifey ;D
Gw PEMBENCI kacang sejati
Thanks for visiting chinguyaa ~
Onew aka Lee Jinki
Travel to South Korea
Travel to China
Travel to Roma
Travel to Japan
Travel to France
New Handphone
New Lappie
meet SHINee
all of SHINee's goodies
hugs and take a picture with Choikang Changmin
hugs and take a picture with Tiffany Hwang
meet TVXQ
meet Super Junior
hugs and take a picture with Eeteuk Jungsoo
meet Han Jaemi
iPhone or iPod ?
My lophlay musics !
Love's Way
In My Room
Please, Don't Go
Talk To You
One Year Later
Nunan Neomu Yeppeo
One For Me
Dear Mom
No Smoking Song
Four Seasons
Marry U